我的高中生活分享 My Highschool Life – Insights and Reflections


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我的高中生活讲座(My Highschool Life – Insights and Reflections)是我们每年定期举行的应届毕业高中生系列分享讲座,讲座中我们将请来即将毕业的多名高中生,分享她们的高中生活体验;高中和初中阶段的区别,在高中生活中遇到过的挑战,以及如果克服这些挑战的经验。讲座中也将涉及到她们的大学申请过程以及申请的相关经验。


“My High School Life – Insights and Reflections” is an annual webinar we hold for current high school seniors to share their experiences. In this webinar, several high school graduates will discuss their high school lives; the differences between high school and middle school; challenges they encountered during their high school years and how they overcame them. The webinar will also cover their college application process and related experiences.




The purpose of this webinar is to provide students who are about to enter high school with first-hand experiences to better adapt to upcoming high school changes. We welcome middle school students and their parents, as well as those who have already in high school and their parents, to join us, learn from the experiences of others, and engage in discussions in the Q&A session.


2024 年度嘉宾为 3 位优秀高中毕业生,他们在秋季学期将分别进入:美国海军学院(Naval Academy),康内尔大学,和普林斯顿大学


The guest speakers for the 2024 edition are three outstanding high school graduates who will be entering the following colleges in the fall semester: the United States Naval Academy, Cornell University, and Princeton University.


2024 年度我的高中生活讲座 My Highschool Life – Insights and Reflections 具体安排如下:


时间:5/17/2024 周五 8PM EST / 5PM PST / 中国时间周六 8AM
方式:Zoom 分享(报名后将收到)




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1年级, 2年级, 3年级, 4年级, 5年级, 6年级


1-2 年级, 3-4 年级, 5-6 年级, 7-8 年级

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