Model UN 模拟联合国辩论课

模拟联合国 (Model United Nations),简称模联(MUN),是对联合国大会和其它多边机构的仿真学术模拟。学生依据联合国议事规则,讨论国际问题,通过演讲与辩论、谈判与磋商、竞争与合作,谋求解决该问题的国际合作方案。点击了解 Model United Nations 模拟联合国的详细介绍




限时福利:报名 本课程即获得一个月的新闻时事俱乐部会员福利,可以参加 4 次俱乐部活动,价值 60 美元。 报名课程后请微信添加熟悉的爱学客服领取。如果没有熟悉的爱学客服,请添加微信:aixueusa。

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In today’s global society, it is important that we can communicate about current events. Furthermore, we can look beyond our national borders. It is critical that we can present, research, write, and cooperate with one another.

Model UN prepares students for the necessary critical thinking and negotiation skills that we will
need in the future.

Course Objectives
Expand public speaking, writing, technology, and research skills. Develop argumentation and higher order thinking. Establish and value self-confidence, compromise, discussions, and teamwork. Gain greater knowledge of the modern world at large.

Optional: join with a friend and form a country delegation. Whether there is a team or select individual, the countries will be assigned randomly.

Week 1: Geography & the Power of Peace; State Your Name, One of Your Favorite Countries, and the Importance of Diplomacy
Week 2: Introduction to Country Research and Resources; Select A Country that You Know, Provide 1-2 Resources
Week 3: Country Analysis & Research; Receive a Random Country & Present a Country Brief with 1-2 Resources
Week 4: Committees & Parliamentary Terms; Read and Review Some of the UN Committees
Week 5: Answer a Question from the Committees; Work on the Statements with Resources
Week 6: Collaborate as a Team or Allies; Present Country Position Paragraph or Papers
Week 7: Memorize and Practice; Explain the Country’s Position with A Committee Question
Week 8: UN Simulation; Prepare for the Committee Assignment


Week 1: Basics of the UN, Member States, and Sustainable Development Goals
Week 2: General Assembly – World Peace
Week 3: Resolution for the General Assembly
Week 4: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Week 5: Resolution for ECOSOC
Week 6: Disarmament and Security Council (DISEC):and/or International Criminal Court (ICC)
Week 7: Resolution for DISEC and/or Crisis Situation for ICC
Week 8: Security Council : Elite and Specialized Hearings:


Week 1: Security Council Membership
Week 2: Resolution for the Security Council
Week 3: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Week 4: Resolution for UNHCR
Week 5: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – The Rights of the Child & Children’s Day
Week 6: UNICEF Relief Work and Resolution
Week 7: United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
Week 8: Resolution for UNEP – Establish Long-Lasting Peace and Stability in the World

*Subject to change with committee work based on student needs


  • 家长们协助孩子安装上课软件 Zoom,协助孩子调试设备,方便进行线上学习。
  • 上课前请家长确认电脑或 iPad 的充电状态,以防临时没电。
  • 上课期间请尽量保持家里环境的安静。
  • 上课时学生 Zoom 镜头必须打开,让老师能看到学生。
  • Zoom 的名字必须是报名上课孩子的名字,课堂只限已报名学生,否则老师将会要求离开课室进行调整。
  • 让孩子熟悉使用 Zoom 的静音,Chat,和举手的功能。
  • 为保证课程顺利进行,工作人员将参与上课,进行协助和监督。
  • 请家长监督孩子完成作业,按时在 Google Classroom 里提交给老师。


  • 报名后无法成班将全额退款
  • 第一节课开始之前可以全额退款
  • 第一节课结束后可以退课(扣除第一节课的费用),剩余课时费作为积分退回爱学账户;也可以安排换课。
  • 第二节课之后就不能退课也不能再换课。
  • 因学生原因导致缺课将提供录像,不能退费或者退积分







5年级, 6年级, 7年级, 8年级


高级进阶班周五, 中级基础班周四, 第一期周五班, 中级基础班周三, 春季学期 初级基础班周一, 初级基础周六班, 初级基础班 周一, 初级基础班 周日

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