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课程旨在为学生提供系统而全面的写作训练,分 3-5 年级和 6-8 年级两个等级,20 节课为一学期课程。
3-5 年级:掌握创意文、书信写作、记叙文、说明文、诗歌和文学评论,演讲稿的写作方法和技巧。学生将学习组织和表达思想,增强文字的感染力和说服力。能够根据不同的写作任务,选择合适的写作形式和技巧。培养学生的批判性思维和创意思维。通过多次写作练习和修改,提高学生的写作技巧。通过理论学习、例文分析和实际写作练习,帮助学生提升写作能力,提高写作技巧。
6-8 年级:掌握记叙文,说明文,议论文,新闻稿和诗歌的写作方法和技巧。掌握记叙文、说明文、议论文、新闻稿和诗歌的写作方法和技巧。进入初中后,写作的重要性显著提升,深度,技巧和质量直接影响学术项目(Project)的完成效果,以及未来高中更多学术论文、研究报告和综合项目的表现能力。
- 创意写作(Creative Writing)
- 书信写作(Letters)
- 记叙文(Narrative Writing)
- 说明文(Informational Writing)
- 诗歌(Poetry)
- 文学评论(Literary Response)
- 演讲稿写作(Speech Writing)
- 议论文(Argumentative Writing)
- 新闻稿(Journalistic Writing)
创意写作 Creative Writing
Creative writing, a form of artistic expression, draws on the imagination to convey meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, and drama. This is in contrast to analytic or pragmatic forms of writing. This genre includes poetry, fiction (novels, short stories), scripts, screenplays, and creative non-fiction.
记叙文 Narrative Writing
Narrative writing is a style that allows the writer to tell a story. It can include actual events told in chronological order or it may include imagined events told in a timeline that the author creates. Narrative writing can sustain the reader's attention and help them visualize a realistic experience from the words. A written narrative includes several key elements, which are:
* Plot * Characters * Setting * Conflict * Theme * Tone * Point of View * Timeline
说明文 Informational Writing
Informational writing is a type of nonfriction writing that conveys information about something, which means it is factual. Many examples of informational writing can be found in newspapers, almanacs, and reference books. Informational writing might provide interesting facts about plants. Informational writing does not generally focus on a person's life in the way a biography does. Instead, it usually provides information about the natural or social world.
诗歌 Poetry
Poetry, literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response throught language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound and rhythm.
小说 Novel
A novel is a piece of long narrative in literary prose. Narrative prose is meant to entertain and tell a story. It is a description of a chain of events which includes a cast of characters, a setting, and an ending. Most publishers perfer novels that are in the 80,000- to 120,000-word range, depending on the genre. The essential elements of a novel include chapters, characters, such as a protagonist and antagonist, dialogue, point of view, theme, setting, and plot.
文学评论 Literary Response
A literary response is an essay that is written in response to all of, or a specific element of, a piece of literature. In a response to response to literature essay, you state your own opinions about the theme, plot, characters or settings, backed up with evidence from the literary text. The purpose of a response to literature essay is to provide context on, and criticism of, the original text.
议论文 Argumentative/Opinion Writing
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the students to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. Argumentative essay assignments usually call for extensive research of literature or previously published material.
分析文 Analytical Writing
Analytical writing is evaluative and critical. It seeks to go beyond the descriptive presentation of facts or details to the reader, and instead evaluates and investigates their significance. It involves reviewing what you've read in light of other evidence. Analytical writing shows the thought processes you went through to arrive at a given conclusion and discusses the implications of this. Analytical writing usually follows a brief description and focuses on answering questions like: ‘why?' ‘how?' and ‘so what?'.
说服文 Persuasive Writing
Persuasive writing is any wirtten communication with the intention to convince or influence readers to believe in an idea or opinion and to do an action. Persuasive writing can also be used in indoctrination. It is a form of non-friction writing the writer uses to develop logical arguments, making use of carefully chosen words and phrases.
新闻稿 Journalistic Writing
Jounalism or news writing is a prose style used for reporting in newspaper, radio, and television. When writing journalistically, one has to take into account not only one's audience, but also the tone in which the piece is delivered, as well as the ABCs of news writing: Accuracy, Brevity and Clarity.
商业写作 Business Writing
Business writing refers to professional communication including genre such as policy recommendations, advertisements, press releases, application letters, emails, and memos. Because business writing can take many forms, business writers often consider their audience, purpose, and relationship dynamics to help them make effective stylistic choices. While norms vary depending on the rhetorical situation of the writer, business writers and audiences tend to value writing that communicates effectively, efficiently and succinctly.
文案撰写 Copywriting
Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such a make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consulatation. Copywriting is one of the most important elements of advertising and marketing. It's the process of writing persuasive words (known as copy) that inspire or motivate people to take a specific action.
在上课前,请您确保和孩子做好以下的准备,以免耽误上课。- 家长们协助孩子安装上课软件 Zoom,协助孩子调试设备,方便进行线上学习。
- 上课前请家长确认电脑或 iPad 的充电状态,以防临时没电。
- 上课期间请尽量保持家里环境的安静。
- 上课时学生 Zoom 镜头必须打开,让老师能看到学生。
- Zoom 的名字必须是报名上课孩子的名字,课堂只限已报名学生,否则老师将会要求离开课室进行调整。
- 让孩子熟悉使用 Zoom 的静音,Chat,和举手的功能。
- 为保证课程顺利进行,工作人员将参与上课,进行协助和监督。
- 请家长监督孩子完成作业,按时在 Google Classroom 里提交给老师。
- 报名后无法成班将全额退款
- 第一节课开始之前可以全额退款
- 第一节课结束后可以退课(扣除第一节课的费用),剩余课时费作为积分退回爱学账户;也可以安排换课。
- 第二节课之后就不能退课也不能再换课。
- 因学生原因导致缺课将提供录像,不能退费或者退积分
如果您对课程或老师有任何疑问,欢迎您通过以下方式联系爱学客服。- 电子邮件:[email protected]
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- 客服热线电话:+1 718-218-5966
适合年级 | 3年级, 4年级, 5年级, 6年级, 7年级, 8年级 |
选择班级 | 一对一(1 节课), 6-8年级周二班, 秋季 6-8 年级 周二班, 秋季 6-8 年级 周六班, 春季 6-8 年级周日班, 春季 6-8 年级周一班, 春季 6-8 年级周二班, 春季 6-8 年级周三班, 春季 6-8 年级周六班, 春季 3-5 年级周四班, 春季 3-5 年级周五班, 春季 3-5 年级周六 A 班, 春季 3-5 年级周日班, 春季 3-5 年级周六 B 班 |
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