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在上课前,请您和孩子做好以下的准备。如果对课程或老师有任何疑问,请邮件联系爱学:[email protected],微信:happyhomekeeping000,电话:516-366-0660
- 1. 家长们协助孩子安装上课软件Zoom,协助孩子调试设备,方便进行线上学习。
- 2. 上课前请家长确认电脑或Ipad的充电状态,以防临时没电。
- 3. 上课期间请尽量保持家里环境的安静。
- 4. 上课时学生Zoom镜头必须打开,让老师能看到学生
- 5. Zoom的名字必须是报名上课孩子的名字,否则老师将会要求离开课室进行调整。
- 6. 让孩子熟悉使用Zoom的静音,Chat,和举手的功能。
- 7. 为保证课程顺利进行,爱学工作人员将参于上课,进行协助和监督。
- 8. 请家长监督孩子完成作业,按时邮件提交给老师。
Class Rules
Before the class, please refer following guidelines to prepare online learning with your child. We look forward to working with you and your child. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: [email protected]. WeChat: happyhomekeeping000, phone#: 516-366-0660
- 1. Install Zoom on your device, and facilitate online learning.
- 2. Make sure the device is charged during the class.
- 3. Keep a quiet learning environment for your child during the class.
- 4. Turning on the Zoom camera during the class is required, so teacher can see and interact with the student.
- 5. The student name on the Zoom must match the name registered for the class, otherwise the teacher may ask the student to leave the classroom for an adjustment.
- 6. Have your child familiar with mute, chat, and hand-raising functions while using Zoom.
- 7. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the class, Aixue staff may participate in the class to provide assistance and supervision.
- 8. Please supervise your child to complete the homework and submit them to the teacher by email on time.